Telework and Creativity of Professional Employees: The Mediating Roles of Autonomy and Time Pressure
Authors: Naotunna, N.P.G.S.I, Zhou, E.
Issue: 2021, Vol. 7
Although telework has become increasingly popular among professional employees who engage in creativity required jobs, the mechanisms through which telework influences on their creativity remains unanswered. Addressing this gap, the present study aimed to examine the mechanisms through which telework impacts on creativity. An empirical study has been conducted, drawing on data collected from professional employees in software developing companies in Sri Lanka using a web-based survey data (N=218). The mediating effects of autonomy and time pressure in between telework and creativity were identified in the light of job demands-resources model. The empirical results show that there is a positive impact of telework on creativity of professional employees. Specifically, it found that the positive impact of telework on creativity was partially mediated by autonomy and time pressure. The results inform the practitioners that the appropriateness of telework to enhance the creativity of professional employees. This research makes a novel contribution to creativity literature by unearthing the mechanisms through which telework flows on creativity.
Keywords: telework, creativity, autonomy, time pressure, professional employees, Sri Lanka
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Authors: Naotunna, N.P.G.S.I, Zhou, E.
Issue: 2021, Vol. 7
Although telework has become increasingly popular among professional employees who engage in creativity required jobs, the mechanisms through which telework influences on their creativity remains unanswered. Addressing this gap, the present study aimed to examine the mechanisms through which telework impacts on creativity. An empirical study has been conducted, drawing on data collected from professional employees in software developing companies in Sri Lanka using a web-based survey data (N=218). The mediating effects of autonomy and time pressure in between telework and creativity were identified in the light of job demands-resources model. The empirical results show that there is a positive impact of telework on creativity of professional employees. Specifically, it found that the positive impact of telework on creativity was partially mediated by autonomy and time pressure. The results inform the practitioners that the appropriateness of telework to enhance the creativity of professional employees. This research makes a novel contribution to creativity literature by unearthing the mechanisms through which telework flows on creativity.
Keywords: telework, creativity, autonomy, time pressure, professional employees, Sri Lanka
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Telework and Creativity of Professional Employees: The Mediating Roles of Autonomy and Time Pressure by Naotunna, N.P.G.S.I and Zhou, E. |