Creativity Development: Theoretical and Practical Aspects
Authors: Kristina Samašonok, Birutė Leškienė-Hussey.
Issue: 2015, Vol. 1
The rapidity of information and communication technologies and economic development raise a whole new set of challenges. Creativity is becoming the basis for successful professional activities; it improves career perspectives and ensures that problems are solved efficiently; therefore the creative personality development is of great significance. The development of personal abilities to respond creatively to contemporary global challenges when training professional future specialists is one of the major development tasks in organizing the study process. After evaluating the impact of creativity on professional activities the research objective was defined - to identify characteristic features of students' creative thinking and provide experimental evaluation of its changes in the context of its development/self-development. In the course of the educational experiment performance, when using the initial (before experiment) and final (after experiment) measurements in experimental (educational impact applied) and control groups (educational impact not applied), characteristic features of creative thinking and changes in it obtained from the research participants were defined when applying E. Torrance methodology (Test of Creative Thinking, TTCT, 1974) task 5 - visual part 3 (A - Form) and verbal part 2 (B - Form). Pre-test research results showed that the average score of the experimental group indicators did not differ significantly from the control group indicators on the grids of abundance, originality, particularity and flexibility. The control group indicators of creative thinking tasks of visual part obtained during the first research on the grids of abundance, originality, particularity and flexibility as well as indicators on the grids of abundance, originality and flexibility of verbal part did not differ significantly when compared to the second research results. However, positive changes in creative thinking were identified in the experimental group: the average score of indicators obtained after the educational experiment performance were significantly higher when compared to the data obtained during the first research on the grids of originality, particularity and flexibility of visual part and on the grids of abundance and originality of verbal part. In addition, after analysis of the tasks carried out for the second time significantly higher average scores of indicators were identified in the experimental group when compared to the control group indicators on the grids of originality and flexibility.
Keywords: creativity, creative thinking, professional training, educational experiment.
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Authors: Kristina Samašonok, Birutė Leškienė-Hussey.
Issue: 2015, Vol. 1
The rapidity of information and communication technologies and economic development raise a whole new set of challenges. Creativity is becoming the basis for successful professional activities; it improves career perspectives and ensures that problems are solved efficiently; therefore the creative personality development is of great significance. The development of personal abilities to respond creatively to contemporary global challenges when training professional future specialists is one of the major development tasks in organizing the study process. After evaluating the impact of creativity on professional activities the research objective was defined - to identify characteristic features of students' creative thinking and provide experimental evaluation of its changes in the context of its development/self-development. In the course of the educational experiment performance, when using the initial (before experiment) and final (after experiment) measurements in experimental (educational impact applied) and control groups (educational impact not applied), characteristic features of creative thinking and changes in it obtained from the research participants were defined when applying E. Torrance methodology (Test of Creative Thinking, TTCT, 1974) task 5 - visual part 3 (A - Form) and verbal part 2 (B - Form). Pre-test research results showed that the average score of the experimental group indicators did not differ significantly from the control group indicators on the grids of abundance, originality, particularity and flexibility. The control group indicators of creative thinking tasks of visual part obtained during the first research on the grids of abundance, originality, particularity and flexibility as well as indicators on the grids of abundance, originality and flexibility of verbal part did not differ significantly when compared to the second research results. However, positive changes in creative thinking were identified in the experimental group: the average score of indicators obtained after the educational experiment performance were significantly higher when compared to the data obtained during the first research on the grids of originality, particularity and flexibility of visual part and on the grids of abundance and originality of verbal part. In addition, after analysis of the tasks carried out for the second time significantly higher average scores of indicators were identified in the experimental group when compared to the control group indicators on the grids of originality and flexibility.
Keywords: creativity, creative thinking, professional training, educational experiment.
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Creativity Development: Theoretical and Practical Aspects |